About Us

Who We Are

The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine (CASM) was established to address the increasing public policy threats to America’s market-oriented healthcare system and government-sponsored programs such as Medicare. This includes both systemic single-payer proposals and targeted legislative and regulatory policies that would adversely impact patients, families and taxpayers. In tandem, CASM seeks to promote market-oriented policies to bring about greater competition, transparency and innovation as a means to help bring down the cost of healthcare for all Americans.  

Our work also includes encouraging regulation and oversight of big insurer-Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs)—massive healthcare companies that have grown to dominate the healthcare market in recent years. The oligopoly created by these few companies serves as a covert proxy for socialized medicine. Democrats still seek to control the healthcare system, with the economic and political power of insurer-PBM partnerships as the conduit.

Led by the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC), CASM’s members include leading organizations within the market-oriented advocacy community, as well as nationally known healthcare policy experts.

What We Believe

What CASM Supports

  • Market-oriented healthcare solutions
  • Preservation of the doctor-patient relationship, where the patient, not the government, chooses their doctor
  • Placing primary focus on the needs of individual patients
  • Access to cutting-edge medical treatments and drug therapies
  • Expedited approvals of new cutting-edge drugs and generic alternatives
  • Robust private and public investments in medical research and development
  • A competitive, transparent and affordable private insurance market for patients and families

What CASM Opposes

  • Centralized government-run healthcare
  • Unelected boards making healthcare decisions for patients instead of doctors
  • Access restrictions and price controls that ration medical procedures and drug treatments
  • Bureaucratic mismanagement that stifles medical innovation, drug approvals and patient safety
  • Government mandates that erode incentives for investments in medical research and development
  • Elimination of private insurance, including employer-based coverage, which accounts for over 250 million insured individuals, and consolidation of all freestanding government health programs into one massive federal program
  • Consolidation of massive health insurance companies in the market
  • Distortion of the Bayh-Dole Act to justify NIH seizure of patents of drugs created in public/private sector collaboration that are deemed to be excessively costly

To learn more about the Coalition Against Socialized Medicine or to become a member organization, please contact ALanger@conservative.org.

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