Coalition Against Socialized Medicine Statement on Senate Democrats’ Recent Drug Price Setting Agreement
ALEXANDRIA, VA, July 7, 2022 – The Coalition Against Socialized Medicine (CASM), a broad coalition of leading conservative and free-market groups such as the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC), Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, Club for Growth, Citizens Against Government Waste, American Commitment, and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, has issued the following statement on Senate Democrats’ latest drug price setting agreement, attributable to Jack Kalavritinos, CPAC’s Executive Director, Coalition Against Socialized Medicine.
“This latest drug pricing deal is nothing more than a desperate attempt by Democrats to resurrect the same far-left, socialist-style price-setting schemes they have tried to jam down the throats of American patients many times before to appease their AOC-Sanders-Pelosi-supporting base ahead of the midterm elections.
“Despite what left-wing politicians want you to think, price controls would have devastating impacts on patient access and innovation. And in fact, under this far-left plan, so-called ‘savings’ would go not to patients, but instead be usurped by politicians to pay for their unrelated pet big-government entitlement programs.
“CASM and its members strongly condemn this radical proposal which would ultimately mean less access and fewer treatments and cures for America’s patients — but more taxpayer dollars in the bureaucrats’ slush fund.”
Learn more about CASM by visiting: Follow CASM on Twitter at @SayNo2SocialMed. For media inquiries, please call (202) 594-8859 or email CPAC Communications Director Regina Bratton at